
Showing posts from March, 2023

What is Polarization Maintaining Fibers?

  atch-cable-1550nm One of the most common challenges experienced when  working with optical fibers  is polarization dependence. This is a cause for concern, even if the fiber optic cables you’re using are perfectly symmetrical in shape and functionality. The key reason behind this is the mechanical stress applied on the fibers, which makes them lose the symmetry and results in the light polarizing until the wavelengths become highly uncontrollable. While the fiber quality and temperature have a lot to do with this phenomenon, there are no better solutions than the use of polarization-maintaining fibers to resolve this issue. There are several reasons to invest in polarization-maintaining fibers when looking for fiber optic tools for sale . Here’s everything you should know what they mean and how they work. The Meaning of PM Fibers Polarization-maintaining fibers are also referred to as PM fibers. These are a unique classification of single-mode fibers that operate differently from